Reception of asylum seekers

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One of the most important humanitarian tasks for Red Cross is to receive refugees seeking asylum. In Denmark, the reception takes place in the Sandholm Centre.

The vast majority of asylum seekers arrive after having been on the move for several months, often with brutal experiences behind them. Some have also lost contact with their family and friends along the way.

The asylum seekers’ first days in the initial reception centre

The first days after arriving at the reception centre are important. Here, asylum seekers are registered with the police and have their initial meeting with caseworkers from the Danish Immigration Service, who also have an office in Sandholm.

But asylum seekers also very much need a bed to sleep in, something to eat, to have a shower, and to be met overall with compassion and care. Here, Red Cross has a very special role to play.

Refugees all over the world associate the Red Cross symbol with protection and security. For many asylum seekers, it is therefore important that the reception procedure is managed by Red Cross.

Qualified personnel are ready to take care of asylum seekers

Red Cross nurses deal with the first medical check, and Red Cross employees make sure that asylum seekers are given basic supplies such as a duvet, hygiene products and the most necessary clothes. Also, Red Cross social educators offer to look after the children in secure surroundings, so that the parents get a chance to rest and to attend necessary meetings with the authorities. After the actual reception process, which also includes information on the application procedure and the asylum system, asylum seekers move to a residence centre which will be their temporary home while their asylum application is being reviewed by the authorities.