
благополуччя - cім’я

... на важкі переживання   Отримайте натхнення для розмови з дитиною про складні думки та почуття   The Danish ... Red Cross’ Tracing Service The Tracing Service works to reconnect family members separated due to war ... exchange messages between families when no other means of communication are possible – for instance, if your ...

Reception of asylum seekers

... asylum seekers are registered with the police and have their initial meeting with caseworkers from the Danish ... Here, Red Cross has a very special role to play. ... Refugees all over the world associate the Red Cross symbol with protection and security. ...

Dansk Vandrelaug og Røde Kors sikrer, at flere kan førstehjælp | Røde Kors

... Formålet med kurset er at give deltagerne kompetencer og færdigheder til at foretage gen-oplivning af ... har vi lavet et repetitiosnskursus på seks timer, sombestår af tre timers repetition i Hjerte- lunge- redning ... Find en førstehjælpsinstruktør På kortet finder du de Røde Kors-afdelinger, der afholder førstehjælpskurser ...

NCD article

... Settings – a review By Maria Cederskjold Pedersen & Anna Katrine Lynenskjold In November 2018, the Danish ... Red Cross launched an E-learning course on Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings in partnership ... care professionals and the latest scientific findings and gives attention to how the lack of political ...

NCD Bootcamp

... for NCDs; September sees a High-Level Meeting on NCDs during the United Nations General Assembly in New ... The Bootcamp was developed and hosted by the partners: the Danish Red Cross, NCDFREE, the IFRC, and the ... anbch@rodekors.dk  or NCDFREE at  hello@ncdfree.org . ...

Træd ind i Røde Kors´ bestyrelse

Fundet i: Bliv frivillig

... Og har du lyst til at bruge dine evner til at gøre en forskel, der virkelig mærkes? ... Sammen finder I ud af, hvilken frivilligaktivitet, der passer til dig, ud fra det du har indtastet i ... Frivillig jobmentor ? Frivillig uddannelsesmentor ? Lektiehjælp ? Familiecamp ? ...

NCD - Continuity of care

Fundet i: NCD Bootcamp

... to develop a secure, personalised, mobile health data system for humanitarian settings, building on new ... The rationale There is currently no cross-border system in place for people on the move or living in ... campaign activities include components of awareness raising and partnership- building: A pop-up event at ...

"The ambulance station is like a second family to me"

Fundet i: Om os > EU > Madad

... Cross. ... The group of people in red clothes are all volunteers for the Lebanese Red Cross here. ... A job that requires good stress management and focus. ...


... In light of this background, Kenya Red Cross (KRCS) through financial and technical support from Danish ... Red Cross is implementing a resilience building project in Nairobi urban slums which among other areas ... Fireless Cookers   Kenya Red Cross Volunteers and members of Hope and Joy women group displaying the ...

The Red Cross continues its work in Greece, by responding to the growing needs of refugees and migrants

Fundet i: Nyheder

... Press Release ECHO III Press Release ECHO III The Red Cross continues its work in Greece, by responding ... to the growing needs of refugees and migrants Athens, April 27th 2018 The Red Cross continues its work ... Cross to respond in case of a new sudden influx of refugees. ...


... Sig JA, og vær med til at gå en tur der redder liv. Meld dig som indsamler her. ... liv med et kursus i FØRSTEHJÆLP Find et kursus nu Røde Kors nær dig Søg Afdelinger Genbrugsbutikker ... Genbrugscontainer Find fællesskaber på Jobs Se ledige jobs hos Røde Kors lige nu Søg jobs her Hvad går ...

Children's Drawing Contest in Belarus

... Children's Drawing Contest in Belarus Children's Drawing Contest in Belarus Belarus Red Cross together ... and the World, The Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and Humanism ... In this link  you will find the detailed regulations of the contest.    ...