The New International Portal

By Geske Fischer-Hansen & Pernille Hobitz 

The implementation of our new portal is now in its final phase. The portal will be tested in February and launch is planned for the beginning of March. In the second week of March we will invite you all to one-hour meetings presenting the solution and how we organize the work. International Department will have our own sub-site where everything are in English. All relevant documents from the old International Portal will be transferred, and we will do our best to make it more structured and intuitive and with much more relevant information than today.

A lot of you have attended the survey on internal communication before Christmas and luckily, we can address a lot of the issues and ideas that you addressed here.

We have both access and knowledge to make changes to the configuration of the portal after launch, so we can continuously make changes as we go along and get feedback from you.

To identify where we need to try to work for better internet connections, we will start monitoring the performance and stability of the internet in our offices in the regions. This will be done by installing a little box that allows our it-department to monitor the connection at the location where the box is plugged in. This will provide us with a baseline for further it-work in the field.

As mentioned before the implementation of the Document Handling System is delayed. We still have not received a new Project plan from the supplier, so for now I do not know when we will start specifying our requirements in International Department and when we can launch the system. I will make sure to inform you when I know more.

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