Unravelling the impact - Loss and damages in the Global South 

Invitation to launch of Loss & Damage Policy Paper

Co-hosted by Care Denmark & Danish Red Cross

November 7, 2023, from 14:30-16:00 at the Danish Red Cross, Blegdamsvej 27, 2100 Copenhagen Ø or online.



The Launch event is hybrid. You can sign up for physical or online participation.
You can join online here.

The climate crisis is resulting in increasing human suffering and economic and non-economic losses worldwide, with the most severe impacts felt in the Global South. With COP28 just around the corner, the Danish Red Cross and CARE Denmark invite you to the launch of a Loss and Damage Policy Paper that maps and assesses losses and damages, focusing on ten selected climate disasters in the Global South. At the event, the Secretary-General of the Danish Red Cross, Anders Ladekarl, and the Secretary-General of CARE Denmark, Rasmus Stuhr Jakobsen, will present the paper’s conclusions to influence policy on climate change loss and damage.

The Loss and Damage Fund, agreed upon at COP27, is a crucial step forward in mitigating the consequences of the ongoing climate crisis. However, there is a need to develop a solid evidence base and methods to assess losses and damages and track and monitor risks, vulnerabilities, and needs. To unfold this, we invite three experts to discuss the paper’s findings, policy recommendations, and how the humanitarian system best can handle the complex and extensive losses and damages the Global South is facing. We will also explore the role that Denmark can choose to play in this context.


14:30 – 14:40    Welcome and opening
w.  Secretary General, Anders Ladekarl, Danish Red Cross and Secretary General, Rasmus S. Jakobsen, CARE Denmark

14:40 – 14:55    Remarks about Denmark’s priorities on the Loss & Damage agenda
w. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

14:55 – 15:05    Experiences from an affected country
w. Malawi Red Cross Society

15:05 – 15:35    Panel discussion: How to operationalize loss and damages and the role of the humanitarian sector
Moderator: Silas Fehmerling Harrebye, Head of Humanitarian Policy & Analysis, Danish Red Cross


  • Lily Salloum Lindegaard, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
  • Malcolm Ridout, Policy Lead, RCRC Climate Center
  • Danish Meteorological Institute DMI (TBC), Adrian Lema, Director of the National Center for Climate Research, DMI

15:35 – 15:40    Thank you and goodbye:
The event is concluded with a summary of concrete recommendations by the Danish Red Cross and CARE Denmark

15:40 – 16:00    Meet and Mingle

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