Friendship between Syrian and Jordanian girl
Syrian Reema and Jordanian Mais are best friends
Mais and Reema are nine years old.
They are best friends.
"She is my best friend. We love each other a lot," says Mais.
Mais grew up in Jordan. Reema is a refugee from Syria. But they feel the same.
"We are just normal friends. Except my dialect is Syrian. She speaks Jordanian," says Reema.
There are more than 600.000 Syrian refugees in Jordan. The Red Cross and Red Crescent aim to create trust between Syrians and locals.
Friends for life
"We were just talking and then we became friends," Mais says.
Reema remembers her friends in Syria.
"I pray that they are safe now," Reema says.
But Mais is a friend for life.
Reema says: "She has a warm heart and is very generous. She is Jordanian, but sometimes she speaks to me in Syrian. We just play and laugh and have fun together."